pp108 : Process Options Menu

Process Options Menu

This topic describes the options in the menu.

The following table describes the options available on the Process Options menu of the process modeling environment.
Table 1. Description of Process Options Menu




This option suspends an active process instance. It is available for a process instance that is running, waiting, or ready for debug.


This option resumes an aborted or suspended process instance.


This option reverts the business process from the Debug mode back to normal mode.

Run Interactively

This option is used to call the Run Interactively mode of operation in the Process Debugger. It is available for running process instances. If no instance is available, a new instance can be started.


This option calls the Debug mode of operation in the Process Debugger. It is available for process instances, which are running. If no instance is available, a new instance can be started.

Activity by Activity

This option debugs each activity in the business process. It executes the next activity in the sequence of the business process.

Step by Step

This option debugs each step (assignments and activities) in the business process.


This option terminates a running process instance. It is available for all process instances that are not terminated or completed.


Related tasks

Debugging Processes at Runtime
Debugging a Business Process Model